Sketch 1 by Daniel Breach
Sketch 1, Daniel Breach
Sketch, accepting offers
I am an artist who in this covid lockdown has used art to help me pass some of the time. I have included some ceramics that I had made just before this isolation time but decided to paint them.
During this time I have also had my son who has Aspergers and is one of Film Oxford's Shadow Light artists group who all have learning needs and I helped him with his project that is still yet to be exhibited later in the year and with some sketches for one of the other Shadowlight artists in my volunteer role with Film Oxford as support as an artist and film maker in support to the shadowlights as a group of artists. All have projects that are being developed during this time of isolation with a variety of artists helping each member.
Now that my son Thomas Breach has completed all his sketches for his next animated film the lead artist for his project is developing it into a completed film.
So, we sometimes continue to doodle to pass the time. Art gives some creative outlet so does singing and some dancing.
For more information or enquiries please contact the artist at