Sue Clayton with her work, Gaudi Moon. Photograph courtesy of Geoff Carverhill
I have been teaching myself for the past fourteen years and feel I have only skimmed the surface of what is possible with the many techniques of working with clay glazes and firing. As you will see from my work my main influences are the art of China, Japan and the natural world. I try to give myself a new challenge each time I make a piece of work either in the construction or surface pattern hoping to hand my gained knowledge to my evening class which I have been running for twelve years at Chenderit. I fire my pots at home in an electric kiln and have used the Oxford Anagama kiln. I like doing various kinds of Raku. This is exciting because you cannot always determine what the outcome will be.
As for the future I hope I will be able to participate in future open exhibitions at the Heseltine Gallery and pass my knowledge onto anyone who wants to start out in ceramics.
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