‘The Light Came Through’ - Agnes Ross by Esther Ross


Esther Ross, ‘The Light Came Through’ - Agnes Ross, acrylic on canvas

Esther Ross, ‘The Light Came Through’ - Agnes Ross (sketch)

Acrylic on canvas

Esther: “Painting of my Granny, Agnes Ross, who sadly passed away on the 3rd of January. Due to Covid restrictions we could not get over to Northern Ireland to attend the funeral and say goodbye, but the grandchildren attended via zoom link instead. I think the painting I did of her a couple of years ago, in a way, was me foreshadowing her passing, as she looks like a spirit, and the name of the painting has a lot to do with the thinness between the veil of life and death, maybe the light on the other side of the tunnel!”

Instagram: @estherrossarts

Also see Skyward and ‘Radiance’ - Letitia Wright by Esther Ross